Set Free Sisterhood

I help women stop drinking and create a life they love.

Summer Support Sisterhood

Change your relationship to drinking in just 8 weeks! For Good!

Are you stressed about over drinking this Summer?

Don’t want to have regrets AGAIN at the end of the season.

You know you need accountability and support.

And you wish you had a personal Game Plan for lake days, pool days, and vacations?

This is for you!!!

sign me up!

It’s time to stop drinking this summer for good so you can feel great, be present, and remember your amazing experiences.

Learn how to break up with alcohol, put new habits and routines in its place, keep your commitments to yourself and others, and have weekly support ALL Summer with other women doing the same! This is going to be the last summer you have to navigate social events, feel like crap after an evening of over drinking, and start feeling great and being the woman you truly want to be!

i'm in!

Imagine if...

You were free from the mental and emotional drama with alcohol

You were sleeping better

You had more energy and wake up feeling refreshed each morning

You can boldy say “no” to drinks

You were a better woman and able to be present and intimate with your loved ones.

You wake up more refreshed every day and don't even think about the struggle of moderation

I was just starting to reduce my drinking but was struggling with fighting the cravings and learning to deal with the real reason I needed to escape. Working with Michelle truly helped me deal with the feelings that were making me want to drink. I started giving it more to God and talking with him more as well. This program was an amazing experience. There's such power in learning you're not the only one and so many of us have similar struggles. the support from Michelle and the group was so valuable.

Before working with Michelle, I was very up & down emotionally with some confusion intermixed. I tried therapy and faking it until I "made" it. The tools I learned from Michelle's program have been invaluable to help me cope with stress. And it's been a great opportunity to connect with women who are going through similar struggles and to invest in your personal growth.

- Tonya

- Katie

Curriculum Breakdown:

  • Get help and change your relationship with alcohol for good this Summer!

  • Get the 6 module Stop Over Drinking Course and Workbook

  • Private Facebook Community with only women who are walking the same path

  • Weekly Support Meetings

WEEK 1: Truth Surrender & Declare
WEEK 2: New Routines & Actions
WEEK 3: Awareness & Emotions
WEEK 4: Release & Get Curious
WEEK 5: Rewrite Your Story/Rewrite Your Thoughts
WEEK 6: Remember, Rest, & Repeat

What's inside the course:

These meeting will include:
  • Check ins and accountability
  • Get prayed over
  • Celebrate your wins
  • Set weekly intentions
  • Ask specific questions
  • Community with other women on the same journey
  • Encoragement and love
  • Get clear on what you want to say when asked to drink
  • Get a personal Game Plan for your summer events
  • A possible dance party or 2 :)

sign me up!

Starting June 3, we will meet weekly on Monday nights 8pm EST as a group. We will continue through July 29th. That's 9 weeks of meetings and community!

Don't miss out on a summer to remember!!!!

Your Instructor:

Hi, I'm Michelle Porterfield, a daily drinker turned certified mindset and breakthrough coach and I'm here to help you. I know how it feels to spend so much time thinking about drinking, watching the clock and negotiating how soon we can have that first glass in the evening. I know that feeling of telling myself today is the last day just to find myself back in the same loop the following evening. And it wasn't only “I’ll just have one.” Imagine if you were free from the mind drama around alcohol, you were sleeping better, you had more energy, imagine if you had more clarity and started to get to know yourself again and be able to make choices from that place.

Limited sign up window May 26th - June 2nd

Get the Stop Over Drinking Roadmap Course
Private Student Facebook Community
Weekly zoom support meetings
Lot’s of love and encouragement!

If you are ready to walk away from the pressures of friends, family and the world's view of having fun and drinking and start becoming the woman God wants you to be, I'm the mentor for you. Let's go girl.

Already bought the course?

Email me at for a special offer!


How do I know if this will work for me?

It is a step-by-step process to remove the alcohol, how to battle the discomfort and create a strong mindset. It will work if you follow the process and allow yourself to be honest, accountable, and do the action steps.

When will I begin to see results?

I believe, from the moment you make the decision to join the program and show up. You get a jump start on keeping the promises you make to yourself and begin training your brain for a new journey.

Do you offer refunds?

No refunds. You will love this program and you will have specific tools for life.

What if I'm afraid to invest?

Fear is absolutely normal. We sometimes resist what feels unknown.

Website design by Rissa Crozier | The Marketing Unicorn - Copyright 2024

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